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03/04/18 Arctic Cluster will bring to light energy solutions in 15 regions

Artic Cluster

Arctic Cluster will bring to light energy solutions in 15 regions as a result of interregional cooperation


Three projects funded under three different Arctic Cooperation Programmes will exchange experiences and good practices facing same territorial challenges that concern energy efficiency and renewable energy


Letterkenny, March 2018

Arctic Cluster, or ‘Arctic Collaboration to Support More Efficient Dissemination of Arctic Cooperation Project Results’, is a new interregional project that involves 15 partner regions from Europe, Canada and Russian Federation that are addressing similar themes and territorial challenges. The project aims to increase awareness and transfer good energy practices about energy solutions. To achieve this objective, the three projects, that are co-funded by three different Arctic Cooperation programmes, will share expertise and knowledge under the new Arctic Cooperation cross-programme with a budget of €45,000:

SECURE (Smarter Energy Communities in Northern & Arctic Regions), co-funded by Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020

EEBAK (Improving Energy Efficiency in Arctic Buildings), co-funded by Interreg Nord programme

GrAB (Green Arctic Building), co-funded by Kolarctic CBC programme


These three projects will optimise networking, co-ordination, monitoring, exchange of information, and the exploitation and dissemination of results. “We are 15 regions that are addressing same territorial challenges. We see this clustering project as a great opportunity for mutual inspiration, to achieve a wider audience and make new valuable contacts in order to develop future partnerships to achieve new energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions”, says Ianire Renobales, Project Manager at ERNACT (Ireland), Arctic Cluster’s lead partner.


The duration of the project will be of 12 months while the partnership will try to reach higher quality of projects’ outputs. Partners will not only ensure more digital resources for a bigger outreach, but also the involvement of a wider group of stakeholders to achieve wider target audiences, including policy makers. The final result of the project will be the creation and submission of a new project proposal to continue working towards a low carbon economy. According to Mikko Rintala, Project Manager at Lapland University of Applied Sciences (Finland), “EEBAK joined the clustering project to further develop the network of research institutes and stakeholders working with building energy efficiency. We will provide expertise and results from studies in the Arctic regions. The main goal for being part of Arctic Cluster is to disseminate the results to a wider audience than would be feasible in the research project”.       


GrAB has joined the Arctic Cluster to expand the project’s interface towards relevant stakeholders working on energy and environmental issues in the northern regions. “The GrAB consortium includes also partners from the Russian North and is part of the Kolarctic CBC programme. We aim to supplement the Arctic Energy Cluster’s competence and capacities in sustainable buildings and urban development for the high north, with focus on energy efficiency and life cycle assessments”, explains professor Bjørn R Sørensen from Arctic University of Norway. “The main goal of joining Arctic Cluster is to be able to reach a broader audience than would be possible during the implementation of GrAB”.


The Arctic Cluster partnership comprises 15 partners from Ireland, UK, Faroe Islands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia and Canada. Partners include, municipalities, technical universities and applied research centres with links to the business sectors.

SECURE: ERNACT (Ireland), Donegal County Council (Ireland), Leitrim County Council (Ireland), Derry City and Strabane District Council (Northern Ireland), Umhvørvisstovan Environmental Agency (Faroe Islands), Association of Local Authorities in Västernorrland (Sweden), Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and Ecology Action Centre (Canada).

EEBAK: Lapland University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Northern Research Institute Narvik A.S. (Norway) and Lulea University of Technology (Sweden).

GRaB: Arctic University of Norway (Norway), University of Oulu (Finland), Umea University (Sweden) and Murmansk State Technical University and Petrozavodsk State University (Russia).


Arctic Cooperation

The Arctic Cooperation cross-programme collaboration is encouraged and mandated by the European Commission to provide input for establishing research and investment priorities in the European Arctic area. It is led by the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme and the participating programmes are: Interreg Botnia-Atlantica, Interreg Nord, Kolarctic CBC, and Karelia CBC.


About the Clustering projects

The objective of a clustering project is to increase awareness, transfer good energy practices and support the development of macro-regional strategies ensuring a better implementation of the cooperating projects. It also helps to achieve a wider dissemination of the results from three different Arctic Interreg Programmes participating.


 Find out more:

Ianire Renobales

Project Manager at ERNACT

[email protected]

+353 74916 8212

Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland


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